Do you have a Quality Digital Marketing team to take up your vision? No!

Quality in digital marketing means, viewing digital from

  • Business Perspective
  • Channel Integration
  • Understand Segments
  • Right Messaging
  • Team Dashboarding

If you are not able to hire talent as per Industry growth.

Take help.

We have the right tools to identify, scrutinize and train resources

We help you identify the right set of talents at your location based on the business requirement

We will train the hires using the latest digital structures aligned to your business goals

We will deploy a robust hybrid model in place to measure the ROI for short and long term success

We are industry leaders when it comes to digital marketing

Together, lets build a highly focused and ROI driven digital marketing team that will redefine your business.

This is a collaborative effort of IndusNet and IndusNet TechShu

Why your talent is not performing as per expectation?

With a “full stack business and digital marketing understanding” you can add up to 200% more value and grow above 50% as the demand is high and the supply is low at business level.

Help us hire quality digital marketing talents at 0 cost

Why Full Stack Understanding Will

Help a talent perform better and improve the ROI multifold?

DMU Hybrid Model

You will never be alone again while hiring the right talent. How do we do it?

  • Step 1

    We acquire talents at scale from all across India

  • Step 2

    Team scruitinize them based on the skill set in demand

  • Step 3

    Experts train them based on business requirements

  • Step 4

    You get ready made talents in a span of 6-12 weeks

  • Step 3

    Handhold for excellence

  • Step 4

    Get job opportunities

Connect with us and explore more. There is no obligation for you to proceed, however we would recommend you to see what we have to offer :)

Recruiter I am looking to hire an effective digital marketing professional

Post Requirement

Candidate I am looking for an opportunity in digital marketing

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Get Actionable Insights for Digital Marketing in 2018